In the past decade, more and more women have entered monastic life according to different traditions of Buddhism such as Mahayana, Tibetan and Theravada. In some traditions, the ordination of women is still new and often training before and after the ceremony is not fully organized.

Sometimes, even newly ordained monastics who have made a full commitment do not really know how to continue life in their new role and thus have difficulty being an effective member of the a sangha. International Monastic Training (IMT) will endeavor to remedy the situation by offering a training course which consists of intensive academic studies alongside daily practice, particularly in the following areas: History of Buddhism with emphasis on women and Buddhism, history of Thai Buddism, the Vinaya, Patimokkha reciting and training (for ordained members), spiritual training, chanting and socially engaged Buddhism. In addition, IMT wishes to open this training program to women intending to be ordained as well as serious laywomen who wish to go more deeply into the Buddhist way of life.

Consequently, Buddhasavika Foundation, in collaboration with Songdhammakalayani Monastery, agreed on conducting an international monastic training for bhukkhunis, samaneri, and laywomen.

In 2015, the training lasted through the vassa (rainy season). There were 5 nuns from Vietnam and 4 from India and one laywoman.

In 2016, the training was scheduled for 4 weeks in June in order to allow the participants to return to their hometowns for the vassa. There were 17 participants: 1 bhikkhuni from Thailand, 11 samaneris from Vietnam, 1 from South Korea, 1 from Italy, 1 from Germany with 2 attendants.

In 2017, the training was offered from June 1st – 27th and there were 28 participants from 12 countries: 7 from Indonesia, 3 from Malaysia, 8 from Thailand, 2 from Canada and one each from Australia, France, India, Myanmar, Russia, Sri Lanka, USA and Vietnam. Of those, three were laywomen.

In 2018, the training lasted from June 1st – 15th and 27 women from 4 countries attended: South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and the USA.

IMT was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic between 2019 and 2021.

In 2022 a Korean sikkhamana spent the vassa with the sangha.

In 2024, 10 women will spend the vassa at the monastery.

For more information on how to attend, please check the News and Upcoming Events page or email us.