This month saw the arrival of many lovely people, some came to stay for a while, some only for a day to tour the temple and to meet with Ven. Dhammananda. We thank them for coming and we hope to welcome them back in our temple again in the future.
Khun Ta and her husband Mr York come every year to pay their respects to Venerable Dhammananda and this year was no exception.
Our good friend and author, Cindy Rasicot, helping out at the lotus pond.
Ladakhi meditation teacher, Khun Vivek, came with a lovely group of his students.
Here is Khun Vivek and his students in the classroom with Ven. Dhammananda.
Venerable Dhammananda, Sikkhamana Dhammakhippa and our new Ladakhi friends.
Prof. Dhita came to pay respects to Ven. Dhammananda.
Four lovely American ladies who live in Chiang Mae and are part of the Payap Long Life Learning group came for 3 days. It was such a pleasure to have them here. From the left: Kathy, Christine, Colleen, and Nancy.
Here there are with friend Cindy Rasicot.
11 women from Germany who are all travelling together came to visit the temple. Ich danke Ihnen!
And 3 Italians from Turin who came with the Verathailandia Tour Agency visited the monastery and wanted to get to know more about the bhikkhunis in Thailand.
From the left: Samaneri Marina, Sikkhamana Dhammakhippa and our Italians friends. Grazie mille!
An old friend of Ven Dhammananda’s, Mr Pravin ji, came to visit her from India. Venerable Mother was very happy to see him again. (She had just had minor eye surgery but now she has fully recovered!)
Our friend, Romina from Italy, came to stay for three days. We thank her for helping everyone out whenever she had the chance.
Nadine from Germany came by for a tour of our monastery.